Opening Doors to new opportunities

We focus our skills on “Shorten the Learning Curve” to take your products to market by leveraging our resources in:

Sales – Marketing – R&D – Manufacturing – Consulting

We are a dedicated team of Food and Beverage professionals

At Access Unlimited USA (AU), we design, develop and manufacture food products, beverages, edibles, pet products, Health and Beauty Aid, and consumer goods products. Our team has decades of product development experience, creating consumer products for retail, wholesale and on-line sales. Additionally we offer services to help increase your “Sales and Marketing” capabilities through introductions to our network of distributors, retailers, wholesalers and on-line retailers.

AU is an experienced consulting team of creative, and innovative thinkers that can deliver your expectations!

As a company, AU brings years of industry wisdom, expert opinions, leadership and advice to your business. From concept to completion, we deliver concrete value and proven excellence to help you grow your products ‘reach and presence’ into an ever changing marketplace! Our ‘philosophy’ is… we “Shorten the Learning Curve”; we succeed, when you succeed”!

We utilize 'all' our resources to maximize your Brand potential.


Clients & Projects

Toll House Cookies

Assist the Nestle marketing team to design and develop a branded Toll House Cookie Program.


Walmart wanted to increase the image and profile of the food courts.


Pepsi purchased Taco Bell-Pizza-Hut and Kentucky Fried Chicken as a way to gain.....
